WizKids Reveals DnD Collectibles Of Efreeti And Wand Of Orcus

WizKids has been taking recognizable items and characters from the world of Dungeons & Dragons and bringing them to life in collectible form. Earlier this year, WizKids debuted the Hand and Eye of Vecna–familiar magical items from D&D. Now, WizKids is making collectibles of Efreeti and the Wand of Orcus.

First is an infamous character familiar to Advanced D&D players, a statue of Efreeti. Modeled after its appearance on the Dungeon’s Master guide, the statue stands at 12 inches tall and features a pose ripped from the cover and brought into your home. Check out some image renderings below, and obviously, this may not be what the final product looks like when it arrives this November for $250.

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